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A2 Sociology Revision
Lesson 1: Functionalism, NR and Inequality
Lesson 2: Marxism and Inequality
Lesson 3: Weberianism and Inequality
Lesson 4: Pomo, Inequality and Society
Lesson 5: Feminism, Inequality and Society
Lesson 6: Methods Revision and Exam Practice
Lesson 7: Class and Achievement
Lesson 8: Gender and Achievement
Lesson 9: Ethnicity and Achievement
Lesson 10: Purpose of Education
Lesson 11: Education Social Policy
Essential Families Revision
Essential Education Revision
Essential Methods Revsion
Revising Crime and Inequality
Life in Nazi Germany 1933-45
Lesson 1: How did Hitler become Fuhrer?
Lesson 2: What was the significance of the Reichstag Fire?
Lesson 3: Does History Repeat Itself?
Lesson 4: The Night of the Long Knives
Lesson 5: Propaganda in Nazi Germany
Lesson 6: How Successful was Nazi Propaganda?
Lesson 7: The Hitler Myth
Lesson 8: Art and Culture as Propaganda
Lesson 9: The Berlin Olympics
Lesson 10: The Nazi Economic Miracle
Lesson 11: Introduction to life In Nazi Germany
Lesson 12: Did life for workers improve in Nazi Germany?
Lesson 13: Women in Nazi Germany
Lesson 14: Young People in Nazi Germany
Lesson 15: How successful was Nazi Agricultural Policy?
Lesson 16: How did the Nazis treat Outsiders?
Lesson 17: Antisemitism in Nazi Germany
Lesson 18: The Nazi Police State
Lesson 19: Opposition to the Nazis
Lesson 20: The Impact of War
Weimar Germany 1919-33
Lesson 1: Problems of Weimar
Lesson 2: Problems of Weimar
Lesson 3: Versailles Treaty
Lesson 4: Weimar and ILRIM
Lesson 5: Left and Right Wing Rebellions
Lesson 6: Hyperinflation
Lesson 7: The Crisis of 1923
Lesson 8: The Munich Putsch
Lesson 9: The Stresemann Years
Lesson 10: The Roaring Twenties
Lesson 11: Weimar and Hitler's rise
Lesson 12: Nazi Party 1919-33
19th C French Social History
A Level History AQA
Lesson 1: Britain in 1783
Lesson 2: Political System 1783
Lesson 3: Whigs and Tories
Lesson 4: Pitt as Prime Minister
Lesson 5: How successful was Pitt 1783-93?
Lesson 6: How should we remember Pitt?
Lesson 7: What best explains the Industrial Revolution?
Lesson 8: What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on textiles
Lesson 9: Agrarian Revolution
Lesson 10: The French Revolution and Britain
Lesson 11: The Irish Rebellion
Lesson 12: Discontent 1815-22
Lesson 13: How Repressive?
Lesson 14: How Liberal were the liberal Tories?
Lesson 15: The Great Reform Act
Lesson 16: The Whig Reforms
Lesson 17: What was Chartism?
Lesson 18: The Story of Chartism
Lesson 19: Why did Chartism Fail?
Lesson 21: Why did Peel Repeal the Corn Laws?
Lesson 22: Peel Essay
Lesson 23: Social Impact of Industrial Revolution
Lesson 24: Robert Owen
Lesson 25: The French Revolution
A1 Level Sociology
Sociology Taster
Topic 1: The Purpose of Education
Topic 2: Class & Achievement
Topic 3: Working Class Underachievement
Topic 4: Gender and Achievement
Topic 5: Ethnicity and Achievement
Topic 6: Recent Trends Ethnicity & Achievement
Topic 7: Educational Social Policy
Topic 8: Education Reform Act 1988
Topic 9: Vocationalism and Curriculum 2000
Topic 10: The New Right and Education
Mock Revision Lesson
Topic 11: Marxism
Topic 12: Functionalism
Topic 13: Interactionism
Topic 14: Feminism
Topic 15: Positivism
Topic 16: Post Modernism
Topic 17: Primary Methods
Topic 18: Positivist Methods
Topic 18: Secondary Data
Topic 19: Life Documents
Topic 20: Participant Observation
Topic 21: Ethical Issues
Topic 22: Choice of Topics and Methods
Revision Factsheets
Sociology of Power and Politics
Lesson 1: Power and Authority
Lesson 2: The Three Faces of Power
Lesson 3: Elite Theories
Lesson 4: Classical Pluralism
Lesson 5: Elite Pluralism
Lesson 6: Marxism and the distribution of Power
Lesson 7: Feminism and the distribution of Power
Lesson 8: Postmodernism and the distribution of Power
Lesson 9: Power and its distribution summary
Lesson 10: What is the State?
Lesson 11: Pluralist Theory of the State
Political Ideology Lesson
Age Stratification
GCSE History Health and the People
The Black Death
The Renaissance Introduction
Who made the biggest contribution Pare or Harvey?
Harvey, Vesalius and Pare
Why is Louis Pasteur so Famous?
How Important were Pasteur and Koch?
How were the 3 big problems in surgery overcome?
How and why did surgery improve in the 19th C?
Medieval Public Health
Who were the Microbe Men?
Why did Public Health Regress during the Industrial Revolution?
19th and 20th century Surgery
John Snow and Public Health
The Liberal Reforms 1906-14
The NHS and Welfare State
Women and Medicine
Policing Jack the Ripper
Why Whitechapel?
CA Question 2
Year 7 History Revision
Year 8 History Revision
Active Learning Teacher's CPD
T&L Showcase Teacher's CPD
Contact Us
A2 Sociology Revision
Life in Nazi Germany 1933-45
Weimar Germany 1919-33
19th C French Social History
A Level History AQA
A1 Level Sociology
Sociology Taster
Topic 1: The Purpose of Education
Topic 2: Class & Achievement
Topic 3: Working Class Underachievement
Topic 4: Gender and Achievement
Topic 5: Ethnicity and Achievement
Topic 6: Recent Trends Ethnicity & Achievement
Topic 7: Educational Social Policy
Topic 8: Education Reform Act 1988
Topic 9: Vocationalism and Curriculum 2000
Topic 10: The New Right and Education
Mock Revision Lesson
Topic 11: Marxism
Topic 12: Functionalism
Topic 13: Interactionism
Topic 14: Feminism
Topic 15: Positivism
Topic 16: Post Modernism
Topic 17: Primary Methods
Topic 18: Positivist Methods
Topic 18: Secondary Data
Topic 19: Life Documents
Topic 20: Participant Observation
Topic 21: Ethical Issues
Topic 22: Choice of Topics and Methods
Revision Factsheets
Sociology of Power and Politics
Political Ideology Lesson
GCSE History Health and the People
Year 7 History Revision
Year 8 History Revision
Active Learning Teacher's CPD
Contact Us
Revision Factsheets
Download Revisision Factsheets here
Data Collection.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [642.1 KB]
Covert Participant Observation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]
SAT Tests.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
Choice of Research Method.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [182.8 KB]
Doing Sociological Research.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
Education and the Economy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.4 MB]
Educational Success.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
Sampling Techniques.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.9 MB]
Experiments In Sociology.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.2 MB]
Influence of Gender.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [303.0 KB]
Policies In Education.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [185.0 KB]
Overt Participant Observation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.2 MB]
Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.2 MB]
Adobe Acrobat document [176.0 KB]
Research And Education.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.0 MB]
Role and Purpose of Education.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [675.7 KB]
Sociology Taster
Topic 1: The Purpose of Education
Topic 2: Class & Achievement
Topic 3: Working Class Underachievement
Topic 4: Gender and Achievement
Topic 5: Ethnicity and Achievement
Topic 6: Recent Trends Ethnicity & Achievement
Topic 7: Educational Social Policy
Topic 8: Education Reform Act 1988
Topic 9: Vocationalism and Curriculum 2000
Topic 10: The New Right and Education
Mock Revision Lesson
Topic 11: Marxism
Topic 12: Functionalism
Topic 13: Interactionism
Topic 14: Feminism
Topic 15: Positivism
Topic 16: Post Modernism
Topic 17: Primary Methods
Topic 18: Positivist Methods
Topic 18: Secondary Data
Topic 19: Life Documents
Topic 20: Participant Observation
Topic 21: Ethical Issues
Topic 22: Choice of Topics and Methods
Revision Factsheets
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