WILFs: Can identify some problems (D)...... Can describe and explain the problems
face by the Weimar government (C)..... Can assess what best explains how and why
1919-24 was such a difficult time for the Weimar Government (A)
Lesson 2 Development
Starter - Pair Up - and verbally rally robin answers to today's WALT drawing on what you learnt last time. When time is called your teacher will randomly choose a pair to explain their list
1. Back at your desk With your shoulder partner - make a list of reasons WHY 1919-23 was a difficult time for the Weimar Government (both write lists) - use pages 4-11 of your textbooks to help you
2. Now Watch the film clip - what can you add to your lists?
3. With your shoulder partner again make a Diamond 9 of the reasons why 1919-24 was such a difficult time for the Weimar government
Plenary: Vision On: What have you learn today? As the music plays draw a picture that answers today's WALT (no words allowed). when time is called rotate the room challenging your classmates to interpret your picture.