Wilfs: Can recount the narrative of events 1933-34 (E)... Can list and decribe relevant causes accurately (D).... Can link causes and describe connections in the context of events (C/B)... Can evaluate causes and come to a supported judgement in the context of a developed knowledge of events(A)
Lesson Development
1. Starter:Jot thoughts - Using the post its provided on your table write down reasons why and how Hitler came to power. Your group should aim to cover the table. - swap tables and sort into long term, short term, social, economic, political. Return to your tables and discuss.
2. Watch the film - make a list of steps Hitler took Hitler from being Chancellor (Prime Minister) of a coalition government to absolute dictator or 'Fuhrer'
3.Study the PPT and add to your lists
4. Mini Plenary:Now Mix Pair Share - discuss with your partner
a) What was the Reichstag Fire and how did Hitler use it to his advantage
b) What was the Enabling Act - what did it end and what did it begin?
c) What was the Night of the Long Knives and why did Hitler arrange it.
This lesson now examines in detail the 7 steps Hitler took in his journey from German
Chancellor in 1933 to all out dictator or Fuhrer in 1934.
1. Read and take notes from the PowerPoint
2. Mix and Rally Coach the 7 steps exercise
Lesson Plenary: You will be given Find Someone Who Sheets . You must circulate the room finding a different person to answer each question in turn. Jot down their answer on the sheet. When all the questions are answered sit down. You can then be asked by others for help finishing their sheets.