WILFs: Can define key terms (D)... Can describe and explain a variety of positivist methods (C), can compare and contrast strengths and weaknesses (B).., Can assess the usefulness of a positivistic approach to sociology (A)
Lesson Development
Starter: 1. Individually Complete the Methods matching sheet
In groups -Cover the table with the post its with your allocated Q
i) What are the core ideas and individuals of positivism?
ii) Describe methods favoured by positivists
iii) What are the arguments for and against a positivistic approach to sociology?
Rotate 3 times to annotate and add
1. Study the PPT on Positivistic Mthods and complete the activities therein
2. Mini Plenary - Paraphrase passport the strengths and weaknesses of positivistic methods
3. Complete the online activities to supplement your notes
4. Plenary: Find the fiction on positivism and their favoured methods