WALT: What were the causes and consequences of hyperinflation

WILFs: Can use ILRIM to explain why 1919-23 was a period of crisis in Germany (C)..... Can describe and explain the causes and consequences of the hyperinflation (C)... can evaluate the importance of hyperinflation in the crisis of 1923 (A)

Lesson 1 Development
1. Starter : Connect the learning with this Find Someone Who
2. Put the following table in your books under today's WALT


Causes of hyperinflation

Consequences of hyperinflation



3. Now watch clip 1 taking notes on today's WALT Question in the correct columns
4. Promenade your shoulder partner and share ideas
5. Class Stand and Share
6. Now watch clip 2 (below) and add to your notes
7. Use the PPT to develop your notes even further
8. Form two circles and paraphrase passport - What happened in 1923 Weimar Germany and why? ( In paraphrase passport each person must first remember the points made by others and then add a new point.)
9. Plenary - Quiz Quiz Trade Key Words (cards from your teacher or make your own)



Lesson 2 Development

Starter - promenade your face partner - what was hyperinflation and what problems did it cause for Germany and Germans? then Stand and Share

1. Table challenge - Starter worksheets - team effort then tables Stand and Share

2. With a partner discuss and Pair Share

a) What does ILRIM stand for and what does it help us explain?

b) What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution?

c) In what ways did the Versailles Treaty cause problems for Germany?

d) What were the causes and consequences of the hyperinflation of 1923?


3. Now use the PPT and pages 14-16 of your textbooks to have you extend the your knowledge

4. Plenary: Complete the crossword in pairs

5. Homework essay - what were the causes and consequences of the hyperinflation in Germany in the 1920's


Use this Homework help link

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Andy Walker 2015