WILFs: Can describe and explain the contributions of Pare and Harvey (C)... Can assess the significance using the 4Rs.... Can make a supported judgement (A)
Lesson Development
Starter: Pair Up and Pair share
1) What did Harvey contribute?
2) What did Pare contribute?
3) Who was the more significant?
Activity 1: Watch the extract from 'Blood and Guts' - take notes on Pare's contribution
Then read and complete the 2 worksheets on Harvey and Pare
Mini Plenary - Promenade a new partner - whose contribution saved more lives?
Stand and Share
Now watch the clip on Harvey and take notes
Activity 2: With your Study Buddy Complete a Target Diagram on Versalius, Harvey and Pare and Print *2. The inner segments should show their discoveries and the outer segments should show their significance
Plenary: Complete the online plenary quizzes