WILFs: Can describe and explain problems and solutions (C)
Can assess how successful Stresemman was in a supported judgment
1. Starter - watch the film clip - take notes on who was Stresemann and what did he achieve?
2. Promenade your face partner and discuss your notes
3. Stand and Share
4. Now with your shoulder partner read the Decisions PPT and the presentation embedded below and pages 23-5 of
your texts. Use your notes to try and complete both sides of the Rally Coach
5. Quiz Quiz Trade (Q's from Mr Walker)
6. Now with your shoulder partner Rally Coach and complete the Quizzes with Reading
7..Pass the Fact (rotate around the room - sharing one fact with each person you meet) - what have you learnt about Stresemann so far?
8. On your table discuss how you would answer today's WALT if it came up in an exam( page 26 of your books) - you have fifteen minutes to plan. Use the clip at the base of the page to help.
9. Now write individual answers in exam conditions
11. Swap with your shoulder partner and peer assess using the guidance on page 26. Give your friend a www and an ebi