French social and political history 1815-1870

Revision PPTs and resources for France 1815-1870 are listed below

2nd Republic to the June Days
Why did the 2nd Republic fail.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [84.7 KB]
Isabel's Notes - watch out for the spelling mistakes!
Revision Pack France.doc
Microsoft Word document [214.5 KB]
Amy's Timeline Domestic Policy
DOMESTIC POLICY 1815-1875.docx
Microsoft Word document [139.5 KB]
amy's foreign policy notes
Microsoft Word document [103.8 KB]
Role of the Church
Microsoft Power Point presentation [3.4 MB]
Teacher Notes 1814-70
Adobe Acrobat document [259.6 KB]
Fall of Louis Philippe
Fall of Louis Philippe.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [67.9 KB]
Interpretations 1830 and LP
Microsoft Power Point presentation [66.3 KB]
Domestic Policy Louis Philippe
Louis_Philippe’s_Domestic_Policy (2).ppt[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [86.6 KB]
Napoleon III's Early Domestic Policy
Napoleon Domestic Policy 1848-1858.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [58.9 KB]
The Liberal Empire
Napoleon III’s Liberal Empire.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [72.3 KB]
Dave's Notes
Dave's Notes.docx
Microsoft Word document [152.0 KB]

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