Important Note: You must have Flash player enabled to access these activities. Not suitable for iphone
Step 1: Interactive Exam Practice
Check your progress against my model answers acrooss 10 examination questions
Step 2: Use your Revision Pack and your knowledge to work through the following revision diagrams on key areas of the syllabus
Diagram 1: The Functionalist View of the Family
Diagram 2: The Marxist View of the Family
Diagram 3: The Feminist View of the Family
Diagram 4: Rising Divorce
Diagram 5: Family Diversity
Diagram 6: The Family and Social Policy
Diagram 7: Functionalism revision
Step 3: Games, tests and Quizzes. Practice makes perfect!
Perspectives on the Family Walk the Plank
The Family and Industrialisation Walk the Plank
Key Words Time Quiz with Reading
The Big Quiz (28 multiple choice questions)
Critical Views of the Family Crossword
Divorce Quiz with Revision Reading
Step 4: Online Revision Lessons
Review the presentations and activities within these formal lessons on key areas of your syllabus
Lesson 1: Introduction key terms What is the Family and perspectives
Lesson 2: Feminism and the New Right
Lesson 3: Functionalism and the Family
Lesson 4: Marxism and the Family
Lesson 5: Feminism and the Family
Lesson 6: Roles within Families - parents, children, grandparents
Lesson 7: Conjugal roles PPT/ Conjugal roles activity
Lesson 8: Family Diversity and Divorce
Lesson 9: Demography and the Family
Step 5: External Revision Documents (see below)